Curtis's sister in law, Serra, FINALLY had her baby boy twins! We stopped by the day before our cruise (they live in ca.) They were born November 3rd and are so cute! I am so jealous of my baby, she is going to have so many cousins close in age! After the twins, there's 3 more cousins all due within end of feb to end of march.. so fun!
The other weekend we went to my friends cabin with a few couples but unfortunately this is the only picture I took!
Curtis is the best husband and surprised me with a "babymoon" cruise that went to catalina island and ensenada! It was short but sweet! I am starting to get a little large being about 24 weeks now so these may or may not be the last pictures I post of myself for the rest of the pregnancy!! Here are a few from the cruise.
Cute Hubby!
formal dinner night
Catalina Island
at one of the shows!