Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A cleaner lighter you..

I found this off a blog.. words I should start living by!

1. taking time to exercise is crucial for women
2. nutrition makes up for 80% of what we look like, exercise is 20%
3. Start your day off with 2 glasses of water, we wake up dehydrated, squeeze lemon to jump start metabolism
4. Eat seasonally, teach your kids to help pick out the veggies & fruit for each season
5.Shop local farmers markets first before buying veggies & fruits from grocery store.
7. One green smoothie a day
8. don't count calories, eat when you are hungry, eat the right foods
9. veggies, fruit, beans, & protein
10. Every mother needs the energy that comes from proper nutrition & exercise
11. Best kind of bar to give kids, LARA BAR
12. Train their taste buds when they are young.
13. Just because you buy food & snacks from wholefoods, DOES NOT mean its healthy
14. Making treats VEGAN style is always a healthier option

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